Entreprise GETHER

Terms of service

Version française


These general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter the "**GTCU**") are intended to define the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the apps Ice Dragon Game and Ampitovio Izay Sahala, (each hereinafter the **"Application"**) by the user (hereinafter the **"User"**).

Article 1 - Object

The Application is a video game software. It is made available to Users free of charge.

Article 2 - Acceptance of the GTCU

The use of the Application is subject to the express and prior acceptance of these GTCU by the User. The User acknowledges having read and understood the GTCU and accepts them without reservation.

Article 3 - Access to the Application

The Application is accessible free of charge on the Google Play Store. The User must have a compatible device and an internet connection to use it.

Article 4 - Intellectual Property

The Application is protected by the intellectual property rights of Entreprise Gether (hereinafter the "**Developer"**). The User agrees not to reproduce, copy, modify, distribute, or translate the Application, in whole or in part, without the express prior authorization of the Developer.

Article 5 - Personal Data

The Developer undertakes to respect the privacy of Users and to collect only the personal data necessary for the operation of the Application. The personal data collected are processed in accordance with the privacy policy accessible in the Application.

Article 6 - Liability

The Developer does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Application. It cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the Application.

Article 7 - Modification of the GTCU

The Developer reserves the right to modify the GTCU at any time. Changes to the GTCU will be notified to Users by email or via the Application.

Article 8 - Duration and Termination

These GTCU are concluded for an indefinite period. They may be terminated by the User at any time, without notice. The Developer may terminate the GTCU at any time, upon 30 days' notice.

Article 9 - Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction

These GTCU are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.

Done in Antananarivo, on March 01, 2024.

Entreprise Gether